Harris County Votes: Public Service Announcement

Project Description

COVID had a big impact on the way we navigate our everyday lives – especially during election time. Even today, people are still looking for the fastest and most convenient ways to get things done.

With that in mind, our clients at The Black Sheep Agency needed to help the Harris County Clerk’s Office encourage voters that voting is actually safer (and easier) than ever before.

Why 2D Animation Works Well for Public Service Announcements

To create the perfect PSA, 2D animation was the ideal media for this story. 2D animation and motion graphics are perfect for explaining concepts and processes, like how to vote, because it allows your audience to see big-picture ideas.

2D animation is great for PSAs because they are usually high-level, generic stories on what to do or how to do it. Creating a stylized 2D animation encourages the viewer to pay attention to the overall story and not get lost in the intricate details.

This idea is especially true when it comes to cramming tons of information into very short videos. The Harris County Votes video is only 30 seconds, but the story had several critical points that needed to be flipped through quickly.

How We Made it Work

To make sure we dotted all of the i’s and crossed the t’s with this short video, we reinforced the script with simple 2D illustrations. This concept allowed the viewer’s brain to digest lots of concepts rapid fire.

By creating stylized representations of story points, we can help the audience remember the most important elements of the story within microseconds. For example, using a mailbox icon instantly explains that eligible voters can vote by mail. Adding an image of a car with a drive-thru building highlights that they can drop off their ballots without getting out of their vehicle.

We also created a strategy around the colors and imagery. We ran with the idea that bright hues, fun design, and quick movements are eye-catching and can make even an inherently boring topic exciting.

This spot was made for television and web ads, so it was important for this story to be peppy, vibrant, and exciting in order to capture the audience for the full 30 seconds. To meaningfully reach the most people, it needed to be exciting enough to get them to stay, watch, and listen as long as possible.

2D Animation Software vs. Live Action Video

2D was the most cost-effective solution for this story. The story called for multiple locations and plot points, which would have been a costly and time-consuming video shoot. 3D may have been even more expensive and equally or less effective for the price. Creating the story in 2D animation was fast and cost-effective for this client.

Live-action footage is detailed, which takes a few seconds longer for the audience to recognize and remember. With this animation, we’re using a custom library of stylized icon, which helps viewers connect and understand more efficiently.

Making a Collaborative Effort

At Motion Giraffx, we want to create the most collaborative experience possible with our clients. Before putting our 2D animation efforts to work, we consulted the client on their marketing strategy.

The client supplied the script and most of the illustrations for this example, and we brought the story to life. Our team is flexible in doing all or parts of the project, and we can take it to the finish line no matter where it may be in the process.