Water Treatment Video and Animation for Mistbox

Project Description

Using 3D a explainer video to show the impossible

Mistbox has done it again with their new and improved water filtration system! Mistbox’s customers couldn’t understand how the constantly misting water wouldn’t eventually damage their A/C unit. Motion Giraffx to the rescue! With this marketing explainer video, we helped tell the story of how water enters the filtration system, and how the nano-crystals and bacteria are removed before exiting.

The right marketing video can help you convert those hard to reach customers

Mistbox is a product that helps cool the air around your AC unit using water mist, reducing the bottom line on your electric bill. So, obviously, this wouldn’t help much in cooler or humid environments… right?

In our best Donald Trump impression, WRONG!

Our clients were challenged with having to explain to their customers a technical side of why, and where, their product works best. Knowledge is power, and power to run your AC at full blast all summer is expensive! This 3D explainer video we created for Mistbox has helped increase their sales and spread their reach in areas they otherwise wouldn’t have!