Exum Instruments
The Client
Exum Instruments
Lantern Awards hosted by the American Marketing Association
2020 Award of Excellence Winner
The Telly Awards
2022 Bronze Winner: Craft - Promotion VIdeo

Let’s Get Technical
Exum’s Massbox is the first Laser Ablation Laser Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (LALI-TOF-MS) on the market. Try reading that fast for a public speaking warmup!
Exum, a groundbreaking startup, is making high-tech science accessible. Despite their powerful and desirable product, customers struggled to understand it. Explaining the science was too time-consuming. That’s where Motion Giraffx came in.
We created a 2D technical animation to simplify and explain Exum's complex process. This sales tool has become their most valuable asset, shortening their sales cycle, improving understanding, reaching a wider audience, and boosting sales.

Working Through our 2D Animation Process
- Price. For startups, budget is crucial. 2D animation is generally more affordable and less time-consuming than 3D animation, making it easier to make changes.
- Simplicity is key. When telling a complicated story, a clean, efficiently illustrated style makes it look easy to understand, keeping your audience engaged.
- Let’s not give away the secret sauce. Initially, we considered a 3D animation for Exum, but it revealed too much of their IP. A stylized 2D representation was the best way to simplify and explain the complex internal components.
When showcasing your product, choose the right method. For Exum, 3D and live-action were not suitable. The perfect solution was a 2D technical animation.