Dryline Technologies Industrial Animation

Our Client

Our clients at Dryline Technologies are some smart dudes. They’ve engineered something so smart and so simple: a metal pipe shaped in a way that is really efficient at sucking the moisture out of air, which is hugely important in many industrial settings, but OH. SO. BORING. Queue Motion Giraffx.

Our Task

We couldn’t make this up if we tried, but this was literally the ask from our (very cool) client:

  • Make a metal cylinder look sexy
  • Don’t show the internals of the patent-pending equipment, but still explain the step by step process of how it works on the inside.
  • Incorporate NASA
  • We really like the movie The Sound of Music

Say no more Fam.

We have adventurous and open-minded clients who fully trusted us to do something outside the box, and it resulted in one of our highest impact 3D industrial animations yet! Taking marketing “risks” by telling bold, unexpected stories in the oil and gas industry is not only what we specialize in, but is becoming more and more desired from our customers. 3D industrial animations not only need to clearly explain a difficult concept or product, but now they also need do it in a way that is beautiful, entertaining, and most of all, memorable to stand out from their competition.

Many industrial and technical companies face the challenge of wanting to show how their product works to get investor buy-in without revealing the “secret sauce” of how they’re able to do it better than their competition. If you’re in a similar situation and stumped for creative storytelling ideas, call us, that’s what we do best. Using analogy, stylization, and simplification techniques, we can explain your difficult concepts without revealing your IP.

No product is too secret, ugly, or “boring” to tell a compelling, understandable story. Trust us with bringing a little creativity to your challenging 3D industrial animation, and we’ll show you something out of this world.