SMA Technologies Motion Graphics Series

Project Description

Motion graphics can be a great way to simplify a complicated story. Sometimes it’s the only way. Our clients are often faced with the challenge of explaining and marketing their intangible product or service.

How do you showcase a software without showing the real user interface? How do you explain what it can do if the possibilities are endlessly customize-able?! Where do you even begin creating marketing videos, especially if you don’t have a bottomless pit of money?

Abstract 2D motion graphics are the perfect way to explain these kinds of products and services. You might be surprised what a few colors, shapes, and sound effects can do to give instant understanding of a complicated topic, explain your brand, and what you do. Inspired by tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, this entire motion graphics series for SMA Technologies tells a huge story with very easy to digest graphics.

Need to hire a motion graphics company?

Our company’s motion graphics portfolio is wide ranging. This means that every single animation that we create is custom made and is a story we’ve never told before.

This motion graphics project from SMA Technologies requires special consideration because we are telling 5 very similar stories that need to be easily distinguishable from one another.

The catch?

A very limited color pallet and completely abstract visuals. So, let this be the proof that it’s completely possible to explain an intangible product with the right design, script, and motion graphics company to do the job. And not only is it possible, we did it 5 times!